Zeitler / Staatliche Graphische Sammlung München

Den Menschen vor Augen

Künstlerische Strategien seiner Darstellung in italienischen Zeichnungen 1450–1750

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62,00 €

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Buch. Hardcover


304 S. 150 Farbabbildungen.

Deutscher Kunstverlag. ISBN 978-3-422-80248-3

Format (B x L): 24 x 30 cm

Gewicht: 1580 g


One of the major achievements of modern art has been the depiction of people. Italian artists developed new strategies in drawing to visualize people. While 15th-century artists worked mainly with silverpoint and pen, new drawing media soon emerged. They made it possible to better understand people and their outward appearance, and even to penetrate the realms of emotion and feeling. A selection of 100 sheets from the plentiful Munich collection of nude, garment, and head studies from the Renaissance to the 18th century is presented here. The works show how the artists of various Italian artistic regions and epochs chose their means of drawing to convey an individually characterised image of humanity. Look inside Exhibition Staatliche Graphische Sammlung Munich
January 23, until April 13, 2025

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