Agrarökonomie, Ernährungswirtschaft
Betriebswirtschaftliche Analyse- und Planungsverfahren
Lehrbuch/Studienliteratur6., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage2024VahlenISBN 978-3-8006-7486-2
Rohne Till / Andersson / Tsakok
A New Research Agenda
Fachbuch2024Palgrave Macmillan UKISBN 978-3-031-69851-4
The Emergence of Brazil as a World Agribusiness Exporter Since 1950
Fachbuch2024Springer International PublishingISBN 978-3-031-38591-9
An Alternative Economic History of Interwar Europe
Fachbuch2024Palgrave Macmillan UKISBN 978-3-031-67280-4
Fellegara / Caccialanza / Torelli
A Transdisciplinary Approach
Fachbuch2024Springer Nature SwitzerlandISBN 978-3-031-34979-9
Koomson / Villano
Fachbuch2024Palgrave Macmillan UKISBN 9789819761319
Fachbuch2024SpringerISBN 9789819778690
Lehrbuch/Studienliteratur2026VahlenISBN 978-3-8006-5438-3
A puzzle piece in deciphering the conundrum of sustainable consumption and production
A puzzle piece in deciphering the conundrum of sustainable consumption and production
Empirical analysis focusing on the communication and information process in the fruit juice and meat sector
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Sergi / Popkova
Transition from Digital Agriculture to Agriculture 4.0 Based on Deep Learning
Fachbuch2024Springer International PublishingISBN 978-3-031-23513-9
Foundations of Agricultural Market Analysis and Agricultural Policy
Foundations of Agricultural Market Analysis and Agricultural Policy
Lehrbuch/Studienliteratur2020VahlenISBN 978-3-8006-6364-4
Critical Perspectives
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Fachbuch2024Verlag Karl AlberISBN 978-3-495-99668-3
Enhancing Healthy Soils, Food Security, Environmental Sustainability and Advancing SDGs
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Nadeem / Baloch / Fiaz / Aasim / Habyarimana / Sönmez / Zencirci
Fachbuch2024SpringerISBN 978-3-031-33959-2
Brka / Omanovic-Miklicanin / Grahic / Muhamedagic / Mujcinovic / Toroman / Falan
32nd Scientific-Expert Conference of Agriculture and Food Industry
32nd Scientific-Expert Conference of Agriculture and Food Industry
Local Food Production Systems in the Era of Global Challenges
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Popkova / Bogoviz / Sergi / Kaurova / Maloletko
Sustainable Development of the Agrarian Economy Based on Digital Technologies and Smart Innovations
Sustainable Development of the Agrarian Economy Based on Digital Technologies and Smart Innovations
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Machine Learning Approaches for Evaluating Statistical Information in the Agricultural Sector
Machine Learning Approaches for Evaluating Statistical Information in the Agricultural Sector
Fachbuch2024SpringerISBN 978-3-031-54607-5
Industrial Dynamics and Firm Strategies in the Agrochemical Industry
Industrial Dynamics and Firm Strategies in the Agrochemical Industry
Fachbuch2024SpringerISBN 978-3-031-52688-6
Lehrbuch/Studienliteratur5., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage2016VahlenISBN 978-3-8006-5036-1