Weed Management in Conservation Agriculture Systems

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Buch. Hardcover


In englischer Sprache



There remains considerable uncertainty surrounding the future of effective weed control in agriculture, particularly due to the environmental impact of herbicides, as well as increasing levels of herbicide resistance. In Conservation Agriculture (CA) systems where ploughing has been replaced with no-tillage systems, weed management without reliance on herbicides has proven to be even more challenging. Weed management in Conservation Agriculture systems reviews the range of alternative, non-chemical methods of weed control which can be implemented to improve the productivity and sustainability of CA. These methods include cultural and biological techniques such as cover crop roller crimping, mechanical weeding and thermal weed control. The book also assesses ways of optimising weed control in perennial, horticultural and other crops. With its detailed exploration of weed management in specific production systems, as well as the range of weed management techniques available, the book provides its readers with the means necessary to implement more sustainable methods of weed control that protect both yields and the environment. Edited by a team of internationally-renowned experts, the book will be a standard reference for university and other researchers focussed on low-input and organic agriculture, weed scientists, agronomists, farmers and soil scientists, as well as government and private sector agencies supporting sustainable agriculture.

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