

Betrachtung der rechtlichen Vorgaben für den Umgang mit kurzfristigen netztechnischen Problemen im Stromnetz vor dem Hintergrund einer im Wandel begriffenen Netzstruktur.

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99,90 €

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Buch. Hardcover


347 S.

Duncker & Humblot. ISBN 978-3-428-18536-8

Format (B x L): 16.3 x 23.4 cm

Gewicht: 636 g


»Network Security Management. Consideration of the Legal Requirements for dealing with short-term Technical Problems in the Power Grid against the Backdrop of a changing Grid Network Structure«: The thesis examines the European, national as well as other legal requirements for the management of short-term grid-related problems in the power grid. It deals with the responsibilities, the available instruments as well as their effect and relation to each other including the changes of the legal framework required to ensure a secure supply of electricity in the future and to legally implement upcoming changes of the technical grid structure.

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