
New Storytelling

Learning through Metaphors

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Buch. Hardcover


354 S.

In englischer Sprache

Taylor & Francis Ltd. ISBN 978-1-03-297255-8

Gewicht: 453 g


There is a global need to become less fearful of coding, as it improves communication with the coders on the job and helps with prompt writing, which hiring companies often request. This set of story-based learning projects links performances and tasks with computing codes to show how a machine translates our goals into its language. Metaphors link instructions telling a computer what task to perform with similar functions in other disciplines. The materials serve those in Computer Graphics, Digital Media, or anyone interested in understanding and becoming familiar with principles and the logic behind coding, and help understand machines when writing a prompt. Dance, music, and performing visually present knowledge through stories and serve as a metaphor for understanding how coding and current technologies affect various disciplines. By symbolizing basic ideas behind programming, this book shows how computing and nature overlap through storytelling.

Most jobs are collaborative, and coding involves many parts of production processes. These knowledge-based stories improve communication between the artists and the coders to bridge the gap between them.

It is a part of the “Knowledge Through the Arts” series, consisting of:

Dance Code - Dance Steps as a Code

New Storytelling - Learning Through Metaphors

Code Appreciation - Reshaping Knowledge

Nature Appreciation - Knowledge as Art



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