Summer / Gießler

Digital Textualities and Spaces in ELT

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78,00 €

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Buch. Softcover


228 S.

In englischer Sprache

narr/francke/attempto. ISBN 978-3-381-12121-2

Format (B x L): 15 x 22 cm


The digital world opens up a vast number of spaces such as immersive virtual reality, digital book corners, and discourses marked by hashtags. Their potential for opening up new pathways for learning and teaching is yet to be explored. In this volume, we argue that digital spaces and textualities should play a more central role in English language education, as their multimodality and interactivity opens up manifold opportunities for engaging with different levels of meaning within the target language. Digital spaces can be considered as digital contact zones where individual readers and writers communicate, negotiate experiences, and form collective identities. The specific textualities provide opportunities for competence development in various areas. This volume presents theoretical and conceptual perspectives as well as case studies on digital spaces and textualities while discussing practical implications for English language education.

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