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auch verfügbar als Buch (Softcover) für 17 €

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166 S. 60 Abbildungen, 3 Tabellen.

Kohlhammer Verlag. ISBN 978-3-17-035874-4


Even after the actual fire has ended, soot and toxic substances on firefighters= clothing and skin are still a hazard. However, the danger is often underestimated. Only meaningful and rigorous hygiene at the emergency site can control the effects for members of the emergency services & resulting for example from absorption of toxins into the body & and prevent long-term consequences such as cancer. The author examines current hygiene concepts and describes effective measures that need to be taken before, during and after each deployment. The topic of emergency site hygiene is also considered from a tactical point of view. The aim is to sensitize all firefighters to the topic, rethink previous behavioural patterns and initiate target-oriented measures.

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