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This book is a collection of contributions to a conference organised by the media economics section of the German Society of Journalism and Communication Studies (DGPuK) which examine the consequences of the “internet revolution” on media economics theory. Despite the claims of management theory and microeconomic market theory that their models apply to all business organisations and markets, media economics theory has only relied on parts of this theoretical corpus so far. Hence, do we need to revise the basic principles of media economics and management theory? The answers to this question given by the authors focus on four main issues: the market power of new internet platform operators, new “types” of self-employed but interconnected content producers, the impact of changing advertising and consumer behaviour on the financing of the media, and the applicability of innovation theory to media innovations.
With contributions by:
Oliver Budzinski & Marina Grusevaja; Britta Gossel; Hardy Gundlach & Julian Hofmann; Svenja Hagenhoff; Jörg Müller-Lietzkow; Jan-Philipp Peters & Christian-Mathias Wellbrock; Harald Rau & Annika Ehlers; Felix Sattelberger; Wolfgang Seufert; Carsten Winter & Aljoscha Paulus, Christian Zabel, Christian Seemann & Sven Pagel.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Waldseestr. 3-5
76530 Baden-Baden, Deutschland