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In our increasingly insecure world, governance is being confronted with new challenges every day. Rising nationalism, terrorist attacks, an increasing number of populist forms of governance, the egoism of governments, digital change, ‘warlordism’ and anarchy: this is an incomplete list of the problems modern governance is having to face. These problems have to be seen against the background of structural changes caused by the process of globalisation. Among others, they not only affect the fundamental relationship between individuals and society, but also that between the constitutional bodies of a state and the role of the nation state itself. Moreover, they influence both the relationships between states and the sharing of tasks between nation states and supra national bodies. This volume is composed of a series of lectures held at Andrássy University between 2015 and 2017, which describe current trends of change and concentrate on their consequences for states, nations and societies.
With contributions by Joachim Bitterlich, Erhard Busek, Hartmut Koschyk, S.D. Fürst Hans-Adam II. von und zu Liechtenstein, András Masát, Dirk Metz, Martin Mosebach, Jean-François Paroz, Ulrich Schlie, Horst Seehofer, Michael Stürmer, Thomas Weber
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