
Remote Sensing of Tropical Dry Forests in the Americas

Ecology, Conservation, and Management

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Buch. Hardcover

2. Auflage. 2025

332 S. 23 s/w-Abbildungen, 74 Farbabbildungen, 21 Farbfotos, 23 s/w-Zeichnungen, 53 Farbzeichnungen, 29 s/w-Tabelle.

In englischer Sprache

Taylor & Francis Ltd. ISBN 978-1-03-251865-7

Format (B x L): 15.6 x 23.4 cm

Gewicht: 453 g


This second edition focuses on Tropical Dry Forests (TDF) in the Americas and provides a comprehensive overview of new studies conducted in the last decade, giving new insights into the most endangered ecosystem in the tropics. Written by experts in remote sensing, ecosystem services, and ecology, the book concentrates on four thematic areas such as LiDAR remote sensing, remote sensing and ecology, quantification of ecosystem services, and TDF ecology. The case studies presented in this edition provide information on how emerging technologies can be applied to analyze biophysical properties and the status of TDFs across different regions in Mexico, Costa Rica, Brazil, and Bolivia.


- Includes all new content and does not replace the previous edition.

- Offers insight into the application of airborne and terrestrial laser scanning in tropical dry forests.

- Discusses ecology, remote sensing, hydrological modelling and ecosystem services.

- Includes novel information to build additional comparisons with peer-reviewed datasets.

- Highlights scientific achievements from different countries with tropical dry forests.

- Enables readers to comprehend and apply further comparative studies within the same ecosystem.

This is an excellent book for professionals, academics, and students in the fields of Remote Sensing, Geospatial, Hydrology, and Environmental Science, as well as for Geographers, Ecologists, and individuals involved in the management of tropical dry forests.

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