War (Hi) Stories

7 Treffer
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Non-Human Actors in Human Made Conflict

118,00 €

lieferbar, 3-5 Tage


The Presentation of Conflict and Provision of Actuality

99,00 €

lieferbar, 3-5 Tage

World War II and the Holocaust in the Memory Politics of Post-Socialist Europe

129,00 €

lieferbar, ca. 10 Tage

The Pedagogical Preparation for Collective Mass Violence

139,00 €

lieferbar, 3-5 Tage

The Violent Consequences of Ideological Warfare in the 20th Century

124,00 €

lieferbar, 3-5 Tage

The Age of Nationalism and the Great War

124,00 €

lieferbar, ca. 10 Tage

The Second World War and Beyond

124,00 €

lieferbar, ca. 10 Tage


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