Springer Textbooks in Law

18 Treffer
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Between Legal Interpretivism and Empirical Inquiry

90,94 €

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85,59 €

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Explaining Core Principles of International Law by Testing their Relevance in the Wizarding World

96,29 €

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Between Legal Interpretivism and Empirical Inquiry

90,94 €

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Dissecting a Layered Global Player

106,99 €

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The European Experience and the Evolutionary Approach

69,54 €

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90,94 €

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42,79 €

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Explaining Core Principles of International Law by Testing their Relevance in the Wizarding World

69,54 €

vorbestellbar, wir liefern bei Erscheinen (Erscheint vsl. Juni 2025)

Explaining Core Principles of International Law by Testing their Relevance in the Wizarding World

96,29 €

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96,29 €

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117,69 €

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The Legal Framework

53,49 €

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85,59 €

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The Legal Framework

53,49 €

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90,94 €

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The European Experience and the Evolutionary Approach

69,54 €

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69,54 €

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