Springer Proceedings in Humanities and Social Sciences
Nawawi / Alami / Bautista / Aung-Thwin / Simandjuntak / Prasetyo
Managing Disruption and Developing Resilience for a Better Southeast Asia
Managing Disruption and Developing Resilience for a Better Southeast Asia
The 4th SEASIA Biennial Conference 2022
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Looking at the Future of Digital Culture
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Selected Proceedings of the International Conference of Art, Design & Technology (ICADT 2024)
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Khanra Jha / Shenoy / Bhattacharyya / Seshaiyer
Perspective and Strategies on Newage Education and Creative Learning
Perspective and Strategies on Newage Education and Creative Learning
Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Best Innovative Teaching Strategies, BITS Pilani
Fachbuch2024SpringerISBN 9789819737000
Claramita / Soemantri / Hidayah / Findyartini / Samarasekera
Character Building and Competence Development in Medical and Health Professions Education
Character Building and Competence Development in Medical and Health Professions Education
The First Biennial Indonesian Medical and Health Professions Education Conference
Fachbuch2023SpringerISBN 9789819945726
Khanra Jha / Shenoy / Bhattacharyya / Seshaiyer
Perspective and Strategies on Newage Education and Creative Learning
Perspective and Strategies on Newage Education and Creative Learning
Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Best Innovative Teaching Strategies, BITS Pilani
eBook (PDF mit Wasserzeichen)2024Springer Nature SingaporeISBN 9789819737017
Claramita / Soemantri / Hidayah / Findyartini / Samarasekera
Character Building and Competence Development in Medical and Health Professions Education
Character Building and Competence Development in Medical and Health Professions Education
The First Biennial Indonesian Medical and Health Professions Education Conference
eBook (PDF mit Wasserzeichen)2023Springer Nature SingaporeISBN 9789819945733