Societies and Political Orders in Transition

28 Treffer
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Dynamics, Challenges, and Opportunities

139,09 €

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Technological, Economic and Political Aspects

139,09 €

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Case Studies of States in Political Transition

139,09 €

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The New Waves of Revolutions, and the Causes and Effects of Disruptive Political Change

267,49 €

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128,39 €

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An Empirical Analysis

139,09 €

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Lessons from Former Yugoslavia

53,49 €

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An Empirical Analysis of Spatial Systems of Entrepreneurship and Institutions in Russia

96,29 €

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Diversity, Trends, and Perspectives

117,69 €

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149,79 €

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Recent Economic and Social Developments

96,29 €

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Case Studies of States in Political Transition

128,39 €

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Technological, Economic and Political Aspects

128,39 €

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Lessons from Former Yugoslavia

53,49 €

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An Empirical Analysis

128,39 €

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The New Waves of Revolutions, and the Causes and Effects of Disruptive Political Change

255,73 €

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Sources, Prejudices and Alternative Solutions

128,39 €

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Bolsonaro in Theoretical and Comparative Perspective

106,99 €

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A Case Study of the Mid-Level Development Trap

96,29 €

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Oil Pollution and Greenhouse Gas Emissions

117,69 €

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