Series on International Taxation
Residence and Economic Substance of Subsidiary Corporations in International and European Tax Law
Residence and Economic Substance of Subsidiary Corporations in International and European Tax Law
2024Kluwer Law InternationalISBN 9789403538587
From the Established Mechanisms Towards an Institutionalised International Instrument
2024Kluwer Law InternationalISBN 9789403520889
2. Auflage2024Kluwer Law InternationalISBN 9789403523835
The Taxation of Fees for Technical Services on the Basis of Article 12A UN Model Convention
The Taxation of Fees for Technical Services on the Basis of Article 12A UN Model Convention
2024Kluwer Law InternationalISBN 9789403542973
2023Kluwer Law InternationalISBN 9789403509075
Lessons from the Law of the Sea
2023Kluwer Law InternationalISBN 9789403534077
2. Auflage2023Kluwer Law InternationalISBN 9789403546667
An Analysis of the Case Law of the CJEU
2022Kluwer Law InternationalISBN 9789403523637
Tax Policy in the 21st Century
2021Kluwer Law InternationalISBN 9789403537405
From Theory to Implementation
2021Kluwer Law InternationalISBN 9789041194282
2021Kluwer Law InternationalISBN 9789403533933
2021Kluwer Law InternationalISBN 9789403533636