Series on Grey System
Fachbuch2025SpringerISBN 9789819632671
Fachbuch2024SpringerISBN 9789819766147
Mechanism, Models and Applications
Fachbuch2024SpringerISBN 9789819753222
Methods, Models and Applications
Fachbuch2., Second Edition 20252024SpringerISBN 9789819787265
Methodological Aspects of Grey Systems Theory in Management Research
Methodological Aspects of Grey Systems Theory in Management Research
Fachbuch2024SpringerISBN 9789819724123
Delcea / Cotfas
Advancements of Grey Systems Theory in Economics and Social Sciences
Advancements of Grey Systems Theory in Economics and Social Sciences
Fachbuch2024SpringerISBN 9789811999345
Fachbuch2024SpringerISBN 9789811934261
Methods, Models and Applications
Fachbuch2023SpringerISBN 9789811961625
Delcea / Cotfas
Advancements of Grey Systems Theory in Economics and Social Sciences
Advancements of Grey Systems Theory in Economics and Social Sciences
Fachbuch2023SpringerISBN 9789811999314
eBook (PDF mit Wasserzeichen)2024Springer Nature SingaporeISBN 9789819766154
Mechanism, Models and Applications
eBook (PDF mit Wasserzeichen)2024Springer Nature SingaporeISBN 9789819753239
Methodological Aspects of Grey Systems Theory in Management Research
Methodological Aspects of Grey Systems Theory in Management Research
eBook (PDF mit Wasserzeichen)2024Springer Nature SingaporeISBN 9789819724130
Methods, Models and Applications
eBook (PDF mit Wasserzeichen)2022Springer Nature SingaporeISBN 9789811961601
eBook (PDF mit Wasserzeichen)2023Springer Nature SingaporeISBN 9789811934247
Delcea / Cotfas
Advancements of Grey Systems Theory in Economics and Social Sciences
Advancements of Grey Systems Theory in Economics and Social Sciences
eBook (PDF mit Wasserzeichen)2023Springer Nature SingaporeISBN 9789811999321