PhD Theses in Experimental Software Engineering
Liggesmeyer / Bomarius / Dörr
Fachbuch2025Fraunhofer IRB VerlagISBN 978-3-8396-2054-0
Bomarius / Liggesmeyer / Rombach
Fachbuch2023Fraunhofer IRB VerlagISBN 978-3-8396-1896-7
Liggesmeyer / Rombach / Bomarius
Automated Fault Tree Analysis by Composition of Type-Annotated Component Fault Trees.
Automated Fault Tree Analysis by Composition of Type-Annotated Component Fault Trees.
Fachbuch2023Fraunhofer IRB VerlagISBN 978-3-8396-1912-4
Bomarius / Liggesmeyer / Rombach
Data-driven context modeling for the elicitation of context-aware functionalities
Data-driven context modeling for the elicitation of context-aware functionalities
Fachbuch2023Fraunhofer IRB VerlagISBN 978-3-8396-1910-0
Bomarius / Liggesmeyer / Rombach
Fachbuch2023Fraunhofer IRB VerlagISBN 978-3-8396-1906-3
Rombach / Liggesmeyer / Bomarius
Fachbuch2023Fraunhofer IRB VerlagISBN 978-3-8396-1964-3