Palgrave Studies in Urban Anthropology

25 Treffer
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160,49 €

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160,49 €

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Anthropological Perspectives

149,79 €

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Public Ethics in Practice and Thought Since the Magna Carta

139,09 €

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Anthropological Perspectives

149,79 €

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Kessab, Aleppo and Deir ez-Zor in the Syrian War

96,29 €

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Change and Innovation in Small Urban Spaces

128,39 €

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Innovative Approaches

96,29 €

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Gentrifiers and the Displaced

128,39 €

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Rings of Steel, 1720-1970

117,69 €

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Scrap Merchants, 1970-2020

117,69 €

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Ethnographically Informed Reflections

128,39 €

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Anthropology of an Industrial Myth

53,49 €

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Urban Space, Borders, and Migration

89,99 €

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Excess and Expulsion in Neoliberal South Asia

96,29 €

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A Living Tapestry

96,29 €

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Ethnographic and Theoretical Insights

90,94 €

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Anthropological Insights

96,29 €

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