Palgrave Studies in Theatre and Performance History

31 Treffer
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128,39 €

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117,69 €

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117,69 €

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The Argentines of Paris

128,39 €

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The Argentines of Paris

117,69 €

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Pedagogy of the Oppressors

106,99 €

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53,49 €

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The New York Reign of 'Blood and Thunder' Melodramas

96,29 €

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Problems of Performance in German and French Enlightenment Theater

128,39 €

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The Displaced Mirror

96,29 €

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'The History We Haven't Had'

96,29 €

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85,59 €

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Noh and Kyogen from 1300 to 1600

90,94 €

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From the Old World to the New

96,29 €

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Erotic Economies

90,94 €

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Reviving and Revising the Comedia

53,49 €

sofort lieferbar!

A Critical Examination of the American Freak Show

53,49 €

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