Palgrave Studies in the History of Finance

55 Treffer
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A Global History of Credit Markets and Intermediation

213,99 €

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Accounting, Record-Keeping and Financial Management, 1066-1525

213,99 €

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Microfinance in Global History from the Late Medieval to the Modern

213,99 €

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The British Trade Corporation, 1917–1926

139,09 €

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European Bankers, the US, and the Rise of International Finance

139,09 €

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A Social Network Analysis Approach

53,49 €

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Accounting, Record-Keeping and Financial Management, 1066-1525

213,99 €

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85,59 €

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New Perspectives from Passage to Repeal and Beyond

213,99 €

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Essays on Taxation and Fiscal Policies in Late Medieval and Early Modern Western Europe, 1100-1700

181,89 €

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Microfinance in Global History from the Late Medieval to the Modern

192,59 €

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The British Trade Corporation, 1917-1926

139,09 €

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European Bankers, the US, and the Rise of International Finance

139,09 €

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New Perspectives from Passage to Repeal and Beyond

203,29 €

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Essays on Taxation and Fiscal Policies in Late Medieval and Early Modern Western Europe, 1100-1700

171,19 €

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A History of the Italian Stock Market

85,59 €

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The Regulation and Development of the British Payday Lending and Pawnbroking Markets since 1870

117,69 €

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An International Perspective of Swedish Savings Banks, 1820-1910

64,19 €

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Money, Empire and Ambitions in the Mid-Eighteenth Century British Atlantic

64,19 €

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The Contribution of Ludwig Zinzendorf

117,69 €

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