Palgrave Studies in Global Higher Education

18 Treffer
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A Practice-Based Study of Chinese Students' Learning in an Australian University

160,49 €

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A Practice-Based Study of Chinese Students' Learning in an Australian University

160,49 €

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149,79 €

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139,09 €

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Strengths, Prospects and Challenges

139,09 €

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Policy and Organizational Change from a Western European Comparative Perspective

149,79 €

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Processes and Outcomes

85,59 €

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Higher Education, Innovation and Competitiveness

106,99 €

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Representations and Rationales in British Policy

85,59 €

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Tales from Northern and Central Europe

117,69 €

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Discourses, Policies, and Strategies of Excellence and Stratification in Higher Education

96,29 €

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Indicators across National Contexts

96,29 €

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Flexibility, Mobility and Practicality in the Global Knowledge Economy

96,29 €

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International Challenges to Historical Institutions

53,49 €

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Towards a Critical Anthropology of a Global Knowledge Society

128,39 €

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Italian Higher Education in Comparative Perspective

106,99 €

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