Palgrave Studies in Comparative East-West Philosophy

10 Treffer
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Agent-Based Virtue Ethics and other topics at the intersection of Chinese thought and Western analytic philosophy

117,69 €

lieferbar ca. 10 Tage als Sonderdruck ohne Rückgaberecht

117,69 €

lieferbar ca. 10 Tage als Sonderdruck ohne Rückgaberecht

An East-West Dialogue

128,39 €

lieferbar ca. 10 Tage als Sonderdruck ohne Rückgaberecht

Agent-Based Virtue Ethics and other topics at the intersection of Chinese thought and Western analytic philosophy

117,69 €

lieferbar ca. 10 Tage als Sonderdruck ohne Rückgaberecht

117,69 €

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An East-West Dialogue

117,69 €

sofort lieferbar!

Agent-Based Virtue Ethics and other topics at the intersection of Chinese thought and Western analytic philosophy

117,69 €

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Epistemology Extended

128,39 €

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Transforming Anger against Patriarchy

96,29 €

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A Study of Korean Neo-Confucian Ethics and Spirituality

96,29 €

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