Nonprofit and Civil Society Studies

12 Treffer
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From Theory to Definitions, Classifications and Aggregation Towards New Research Paths

53,49 €

lieferbar ca. 10 Tage als Sonderdruck ohne Rückgaberecht

Essays in Honor of Helmut K. Anheier

160,49 €

lieferbar ca. 10 Tage als Sonderdruck ohne Rückgaberecht

Islamic Perspectives and Muslim Majority Country Practices

96,29 €

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Essays in Honor of Helmut K. Anheier

149,79 €

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An International Perspective

117,69 €

sofort lieferbar!

New Global Statistical Standards Tested

139,09 €

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The Case of Norway

128,39 €

sofort lieferbar!

Volunteering, Informal Help and Giving in Denmark, Norway and Sweden

90,94 €

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Corporate and Civil Society Perspectives

149,79 €

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How Conscious Engagement Can Benefit Civil Society

96,29 €

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Voices from the South

96,29 €

sofort lieferbar!

Perceptions, Exchanges and Transfers since the Early Twentieth Century

106,99 €

sofort lieferbar!


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