New Directions in Jonathan Edwards Studies
A Harmonic Interpretation of Scripture
Fachbuch2025Vandenhoeck + RuprechtISBN 978-3-525-56095-2
Fachbuch2021Vandenhoeck & RuprechtISBN 978-3-525-55461-6
The Southern Baptist Legacy of Jonathan Edwards
Fachbuch2022Vandenhoeck & RuprechtISBN 978-3-525-56051-8
Jonathan Edwards' Concerning The End for Which God Created the World
Jonathan Edwards' Concerning The End for Which God Created the World
Exposition, Analysis, and Philosophical Implications
Fachbuch2020Vandenhoeck + RuprechtISBN 978-3-525-56486-8
eBook (PDF ohne DRM)2021Vandenhoeck & RuprechtISBN 978-3-647-55461-7
The Southern Baptist Legacy of Jonathan Edwards
eBook (PDF ohne DRM)2022Vandenhoeck & RuprechtISBN 978-3-647-56051-9
Lowe / Gullotta
Jonathan Edwards within the Enlightenment: Controversy, Experience, & Thought
Jonathan Edwards within the Enlightenment: Controversy, Experience, & Thought
eBook (PDF ohne DRM)2020Vandenhoeck & RuprechtISBN 978-3-647-56488-3
The Onto-Typology of Jonathan Edwards
eBook (PDF ohne DRM)2020Vandenhoeck & RuprechtISBN 978-3-647-51701-8
The Rhetoric of the Revival: The Language of the Great Awakening Preachers
The Rhetoric of the Revival: The Language of the Great Awakening Preachers
eBook (PDF ohne DRM)2016Vandenhoeck & RuprechtISBN 978-3-647-56023-6
The Last Edwardsean
eBook (PDF ohne DRM)2018Vandenhoeck & RuprechtISBN 978-3-647-56030-4
Jonathan Edwards's Turn from the Classic-Reformed Tradition of Freedom of the Will
Jonathan Edwards's Turn from the Classic-Reformed Tradition of Freedom of the Will
eBook (PDF ohne DRM)2016Vandenhoeck & RuprechtISBN 978-3-647-56024-3
Jonathan Edwards' Concerning The End for Which God Created the World
Jonathan Edwards' Concerning The End for Which God Created the World
Exposition, Analysis, and Philosophical Implications
eBook (PDF ohne DRM)2020Vandenhoeck & RuprechtISBN 978-3-647-56486-9