MPI Series in Biological Cybernetics
The impossible puzzle: No global embedding in environmental space memory
The impossible puzzle: No global embedding in environmental space memory
Fachbuch2019LogosISBN 978-3-8325-4925-1
Self- and body part localization using virtual reality setups
Fachbuch2019LogosISBN 978-3-8325-4987-9
Fachbuch2019LogosISBN 978-3-8325-5026-4
2017LogosISBN 978-3-8325-4448-5
Visual Perception of Emotional and Conversational Facial Expressions
Visual Perception of Emotional and Conversational Facial Expressions
2015LogosISBN 978-3-8325-3969-6
2015LogosISBN 978-3-8325-3983-2
The influence of a self-avatar on space and body perception in immersive virtual reality
The influence of a self-avatar on space and body perception in immersive virtual reality
2015LogosISBN 978-3-8325-3978-8
2015LogosISBN 978-3-8325-4105-7
2018LogosISBN 978-3-8325-4730-1
2016LogosISBN 978-3-8325-4366-2
Understanding the nature of the body model underlying position sense
Understanding the nature of the body model underlying position sense
2017LogosISBN 978-3-8325-4460-7
Motion Feedback in the Teleoperation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Motion Feedback in the Teleoperation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
2018LogosISBN 978-3-8325-4779-0
Towards Human-UAV Physical Interaction and Fully Actuated Aerial Vehicles
Towards Human-UAV Physical Interaction and Fully Actuated Aerial Vehicles
2018LogosISBN 978-3-8325-4767-7