Literatures of the Americas

33 Treffer
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Neobaroque Strategies of Nomadic Transgression

139,09 €

lieferbar, ca. 10 Tage


128,39 €

vorbestellbar, wir liefern bei Erscheinen (Erscheint vsl. Februar 2025)

Intrepid Post-Revolution Artists and Writers

128,39 €

lieferbar ca. 10 Tage als Sonderdruck ohne Rückgaberecht

Neobaroque Strategies of Nomadic Transgression

139,09 €

lieferbar ca. 10 Tage als Sonderdruck ohne Rückgaberecht

Intrepid Post-Revolution Artists and Writers

117,69 €

sofort lieferbar!

Neobaroque Strategies of Nomadic Transgression

128,39 €

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Pieces, Shuffles, Layers

48,14 €

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Sandra Cisneros and Ana Castillo's Intergenerational Women

106,99 €

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53,49 €

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The Transcendence of the Word

58,84 €

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History and Criticism

96,29 €

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Critical Regionalism and the Mexican American Southwest

58,84 €

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Psychoanalysis and Gendered Violence

64,19 €

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Between Brazil and World Literature

53,49 €

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Between Evanescence and Event

64,19 €

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Interviews with Contemporary Writers

69,54 €

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A Morphology of Renunciation Tales

53,49 €

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The Paradox of Ideological Construction and Deconstruction

96,29 €

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Subversion in the Flesh

74,89 €

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