JSS Research Series in Statistics
Minimum Gamma-Divergence for Regression and Classification Problems
Minimum Gamma-Divergence for Regression and Classification Problems
Fachbuch2025SpringerISBN 9789819788798
Kunitomo / Sato
The SIML Filtering Method for Noisy Non-stationary Economic Time Series
The SIML Filtering Method for Noisy Non-stationary Economic Time Series
Fachbuch2025SpringerISBN 9789819608812
Fachbuch2025SpringerISBN 9784431552567
Takahashi / Omori / Watanabe
Stochastic Volatility and Realized Stochastic Volatility Models
Stochastic Volatility and Realized Stochastic Volatility Models
Fachbuch2023SpringerISBN 9789819909346

Kunitomo / Sato
The SIML Filtering Method for Noisy Non-stationary Economic Time Series
The SIML Filtering Method for Noisy Non-stationary Economic Time Series
eBook (PDF mit Wasserzeichen)2025Springer Nature SingaporeISBN 9789819608829
Fauzi / Maesono
Statistical Inference Based on Kernel Distribution Function Estimators
Statistical Inference Based on Kernel Distribution Function Estimators
Fachbuch2023SpringerISBN 9789819918614
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Takahashi / Omori / Watanabe
Stochastic Volatility and Realized Stochastic Volatility Models
Stochastic Volatility and Realized Stochastic Volatility Models
eBook (PDF mit Wasserzeichen)2023Springer Nature SingaporeISBN 9789819909353
Fauzi / Maesono
Statistical Inference Based on Kernel Distribution Function Estimators
Statistical Inference Based on Kernel Distribution Function Estimators
eBook (PDF mit Wasserzeichen)2023Springer Nature SingaporeISBN 9789819918621
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Computation of Greeks Using the Discrete Malliavin Calculus and Binomial Tree
Computation of Greeks Using the Discrete Malliavin Calculus and Binomial Tree
eBook (PDF mit Wasserzeichen)2022Springer Nature SingaporeISBN 9789811910739
eBook (PDF mit Wasserzeichen)2022Springer Nature SingaporeISBN 9789811927089
eBook (PDF mit Wasserzeichen)2022Springer JapanISBN 9784431557845
Sugasawa / Kubokawa
eBook (PDF mit Wasserzeichen)2023Springer Nature SingaporeISBN 9789811994869
Hoshino / Mano / Shimura
In Honor of Masaaki Sibuya
eBook (PDF mit Wasserzeichen)2021Springer Nature SingaporeISBN 9789811607684
eBook (PDF mit Wasserzeichen)2021Springer Nature SingaporeISBN 9789811622649
eBook (PDF mit Wasserzeichen)2022Springer Nature SingaporeISBN 9789811692840
Tsukuma / Kubokawa
eBook (PDF mit Wasserzeichen)2020Springer Nature SingaporeISBN 9789811515965