Intelligent Systems Reference Library
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Papadimitriou / Virvou
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Geler / Kurbalija / Radovanovic
Recent Advances in Time-Series Classification—Methodology and Applications
Recent Advances in Time-Series Classification—Methodology and Applications
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Concepts, Methods, and Techniques
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Optimization Strategies: A Decade of Metaheuristic Algorithm Development
Optimization Strategies: A Decade of Metaheuristic Algorithm Development
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Bajaj / Abraham
Computational Intelligence based Hyperspectral Image Processing
Computational Intelligence based Hyperspectral Image Processing
Volume 1
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Bajaj / Abraham
Computational Intelligence Based Hyperspectral Image Analysis and Applications
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Smart Tourism–The Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain
Smart Tourism–The Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain
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Inshakova / Matytsin
Perception, Techniques, Law Regulation
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Ethical, Legal, and Technological Aspects of Audio- and Video-Based AAL Solutions
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A Degenerated Design
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Ilic / Casebourne / Wegerif
Artificial Intelligence in Education: The Intersection of Technology and Pedagogy
Artificial Intelligence in Education: The Intersection of Technology and Pedagogy
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Shifting Boundaries: Arts and Technologies—Contemporary Applications and Concepts
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How to Create a Life Computationally
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M. Barry / Kanematsu
Applications of Metaverse and Virtual Reality to Creative Education and Industry
Applications of Metaverse and Virtual Reality to Creative Education and Industry
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Bhardwaj / Upadhyay / Sharma / Fernandes
Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Security: Theories and Applications
Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Security: Theories and Applications
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Serdyukova / Serdyukov
Theory and Practice
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Pedrycz / Rivera / Fernández / Meschino
Innovations in Decision Analysis, Intelligent Optimization, and Data-Driven Decisions
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Lim / Vaidya / Jain / Favorskaya
Research Papers in Honour of Professor Maria Virvou for Invaluable Contributions
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Lim / Vaidya / Jain / Mahorkar
Research Papers in Honour of Prof. Janusz Kacprzyk for Invaluable Contributions
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