Humanism in Business Series

25 Treffer
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Global Contexts and Perspectives

181,89 €

lieferbar, ca. 10 Tage


Technology and Barriers to Human Flourishing

160,49 €

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Responsible Leadership and the Human-to-Human Approach

181,89 €

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Dignity, Fairness and Care

181,89 €

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Global Contexts and Perspectives

181,89 €

sofort lieferbar!

171,19 €

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Technology and Barriers to Human Flourishing

160,49 €

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171,19 €

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181,89 €

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Amann / Stachowicz-Stanusch / Tripathi / Khan / von Kimakowitz

Humanistic Crisis Management

Humanistic Crisis Management

Lessons Learned from COVID-19

181,89 €

lieferbar ca. 10 Tage als Sonderdruck ohne Rückgaberecht

Responsible Leadership and the Human-to-Human Approach

171,19 €

sofort lieferbar!

Dignity, Fairness and Care

171,19 €

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Exemplary Cases from Different Cultures

171,19 €

lieferbar ca. 10 Tage als Sonderdruck ohne Rückgaberecht

A Holistic Perspective

160,49 €

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University Leadership and the Digital Transformation Challenge

171,19 €

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Lessons Learned from COVID-19

171,19 €

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CSR and Person-Centred Care

160,49 €

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Excellence and Professionalism in Care

171,19 €

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Volume II

128,39 €

sofort lieferbar!

The Philosophical Foundations of Humanistic Management

64,19 €

sofort lieferbar!


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