Historical Studies in Education

15 Treffer
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Historical Reflections on the Nexus of Nations, National Identity, and Education

160,49 €

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160,49 €

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Historical Reflections on the Nexus of Nations, National Identity, and Education

160,49 €

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Historical Reflections on the Nexus of Nations, National Identity, and Education

149,79 €

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Martin Duberman's Princeton Seminars, 1966-1970

96,29 €

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Civic Education Origins at Shortridge High School

53,49 €

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Anne George, Margaret Naumburg, Helen Parkhurst and Adelia Pyle

139,09 €

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Joseph Kamiru Gikubu's Impact

24,60 €

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Patterns of Progress and Peril

72,99 €

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New Perspectives on the History of College Students in the United States

35,30 €

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New Historical Perspectives

39,58 €

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History, Memories and Life Stories, 1922 - 1967

96,29 €

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