Handel und Internationales Marketing Retailing and International Marketing

17 Treffer
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Analysis of Marketing Instruments, Channel Integration and Customer Experience Dimensions during the Customer Journey

ca. 106,99 €

vorbestellbar, wir liefern bei Erscheinen (Erscheint vsl. April 2025)

Essays on Perceived Brand Globalness, Endorsed Branding, and E-Commerce Firms' Internationalization

96,29 €

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Special focus on digital products and webstores

53,49 €

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Antecedents and Moderators of Shopping Intention Formation in New Fields of E-Commerce

96,29 €

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106,99 €

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An Analysis of Channel Interdependencies, Integration Services and Specific Marketing Instruments

106,99 €

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The Mechanisms Behind Consumers' Food Well-Being, and Their Relevance for Food Retailing and Marketing

96,29 €

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The Roles of Strategies, Consumer Perceptions and the Local Environment

53,49 €

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Three Essays on Domestic and International Growth Strategies with Online Retailing

53,49 €

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An Analysis of Consumers' Perceptions of Corporate Reputation and its Effects Across Nations

53,49 €

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Analysis in the Context of Sector-Specific Antecedents, Perceived Value, and Multichannel Retailing

53,49 €

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Eine Wirkungsanalyse

46,99 €

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Eine Untersuchung direkter und indirekter Effekte im Business-to-Business-Umfeld

46,99 €

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