Global Political Sociology

20 Treffer
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213,99 €

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The Case of 'Eye in the Sky' in the Washington-Hollywood Entanglement

139,09 €

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139,09 €

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Representation in the Era of Reconciliation

128,39 €

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117,69 €

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117,69 €

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Theory, Method and the Covid-19 Pandemic

90,94 €

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The Case of 'Eye in the Sky' in the Washington-Hollywood Entanglement

139,09 €

sofort lieferbar!

139,09 €

sofort lieferbar!

Representation in the Era of Reconciliation

149,79 €

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Foreign Policy, Identity and Popular Sovereignty

117,69 €

sofort lieferbar!

Theory, Method and the Covid-19 Pandemic

90,94 €

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139,09 €

sofort lieferbar!

Rising Powers in US Economic Discourse

96,29 €

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Media and Education in Brazil, India and Ukraine

128,39 €

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Exploring Inter- and Transnational Dimensions

128,39 €

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53,49 €

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