Global Histories of Education

23 Treffer
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139,09 €

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171,19 €

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Torsten Husén and the Rise of Transnational Research in Education 1950s–1990s

149,79 €

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139,09 €

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139,09 €

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Political Autonomy, Educational Reforms, and Memory-shaping in European Periphery

160,49 €

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'The Ascent From the Individual to the Universal'

53,49 €

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'The Ascent From the Individual to the Universal'

42,79 €

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117,69 €

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Networks, Time, and Place

171,19 €

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Torsten Husén and the Rise of Transnational Research in Education 1950s-1990s

149,79 €

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149,79 €

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Political Autonomy, Educational Reforms, and Memory-shaping in European Periphery

149,79 €

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A Transnational History

106,99 €

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The Interwar Period

128,39 €

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