Genders and Sexualities in the Social Sciences

29 Treffer
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Female Beauty and Beauty Practices in Contemporary China

128,39 €

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Interdisciplinary Perspectives

149,79 €

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Intersections of Care, Bodies and Race

128,39 €

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Female Beauty and Beauty Practices in Contemporary China

128,39 €

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128,39 €

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Sociality, Space and Time

106,99 €

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Intersections of Care, Bodies and Race

128,39 €

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Interdisciplinary Perspectives

149,79 €

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Power, Intimacy, and Change

128,39 €

lieferbar ca. 10 Tage als Sonderdruck ohne Rückgaberecht

Living Apart Together Relationships in China

128,39 €

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Intersections of Care, Bodies and Race

117,69 €

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Interdisciplinary Perspectives

139,09 €

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Living Apart Together Relationships in China

117,69 €

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Sociality, Space and Time

96,29 €

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Power, Intimacy, and Change

117,69 €

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Transgression and its Limits

96,29 €

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80,24 €

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Feminist Reflections Across the US Social Sciences

128,39 €

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Gender, Sexualities and Embodiment Experiences

117,69 €

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