Gender and Politics

51 Treffer
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Pathways in a Changing Nordic Welfare State

42,79 €

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128,39 €

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Australian Lessons in an Uncertain World

53,49 €

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149,79 €

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And What Can Be Done About Them

42,79 €

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And What Can Be Done About Them

53,49 €

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Gender, Institutional Constraints and Feminist Strategies

139,09 €

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128,39 €

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The Politics of Trafficking in Women for Sexual Exploitation

139,09 €

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Pathways in a Changing Nordic Welfare State

53,49 €

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Blaming Women in the Courts and the Press

128,39 €

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Contemporary Feminisms in Romania and Belgium

128,39 €

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Gender, Institutional Constraints and Feminist Strategies

128,39 €

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Pathways in a Changing Nordic Welfare State

53,49 €

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Resisting Institutions

117,69 €

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Women's Movements and Gender Equality Policies in Evo Morales' Bolivia

53,49 €

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The Politics of Trafficking in Women for Sexual Exploitation

128,39 €

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Lessons from the #MeToo Era

117,69 €

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Change and Continuity in Gendered Corporatism in Europe

128,39 €

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