Football Research in an Enlarged Europe

20 Treffer
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The Interplay between Fandom, Identity and Social Cohesion

149,79 €

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Europe on Their Minds

128,39 €

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Europe on Their Minds

128,39 €

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Identity Discourses and Power Struggles

149,79 €

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Culture, Politics, and Violence in the 21st Century

149,79 €

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Identity Discourses and Power Struggles

149,79 €

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Culture, Politics, and Violence in the 21st Century

139,09 €

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The Formation of UEFA (1949-1961)

53,49 €

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Polish Football Fandom in Sociological Perspective

96,29 €

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Issues of Organisation and Legitimacy in England and Germany

96,29 €

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117,69 €

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Legitimacy and Legacy of Euro 2012 in Anthropological Perspective

53,49 €

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Whose Game Is It?

96,29 €

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An Ethnography of Transnational Practices and Narratives in Vienna and Istanbul

96,29 €

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Class, Culture and Politics

106,99 €

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Sociological Investigations

53,49 €

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53,49 €

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People, Passions, Politics

53,49 €

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Mega-Event and Vanity Fair

53,49 €

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Intruding into a Man's World

139,09 €

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