Ecological Research Monographs

21 Treffer
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ca. 149,79 €

lieferbar ca. 10 Tage als Sonderdruck ohne Rückgaberecht

Case Studies of Public Participation in Ecological Research in Japan

ca. 171,19 €

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246,09 €

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181,89 €

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Co-creating Social-Ecological Harmony Between Human and the Sea

181,89 €

lieferbar ca. 10 Tage als Sonderdruck ohne Rückgaberecht

Case Studies of Public Participation in Ecological Research in Japan

171,19 €

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171,19 €

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Co-creating Social-Ecological Harmony Between Human and the Sea

171,19 €

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234,33 €

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Predator-Prey Interactions, Dynamics, and Evolution

171,19 €

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For Conservation Biology and Ecotoxicology

160,49 €

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Studies in Co-creating Integrated Knowledge Toward Sustainable Futures

181,89 €

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149,79 €

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Experimental Approaches

96,29 €

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171,19 €

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Blakiston's Fish Owl and the Red-crowned Crane

171,19 €

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Biodiversity and Vulnerability to Climate Change

139,09 €

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Lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake

213,99 €

sofort lieferbar!


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