Copernicus Books
Facts about its development and its potential to save extremely premature babies outside the mother body
Fachbuch2025SpringerISBN 978-3-031-85904-5
A Brief History
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Bringing a Sun to Earth
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Fachbuch2024SpringerISBN 978-3-031-69932-0
A Guide for the Curious
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How We Live in a World of Numbers
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40 Facts You Didn't Know About Sports and Science
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Fachbuch2023SpringerISBN 978-3-031-23963-2
From Early Legends and Symbolism to the Secrets of Light and Colour
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The Scientific Possibility of Physical Immortality and its Moral Defense
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A Guide for the Layperson
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Hidden Harmony in Art, History and Culture
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A Brief History
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Understanding and Recovering from Trauma-based Dissociation
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Demystifying Schizophrenia
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How to Protect Your Job from Disruption in the 4th Industrial Revolution
eBook (PDF mit Wasserzeichen)2023Springer International PublishingISBN 978-3-031-19278-4
eBook (PDF mit Wasserzeichen)2024Springer Nature SwitzerlandISBN 978-3-031-69933-7