Contributions to Security and Defence Studies
Are the UK, NATO, and EU fit to Fight?
Fachbuch2025SpringerISBN 978-3-031-90589-6
Military Struggles, NATO Challenges, and the Reimagining of Global Politics
Fachbuch2025SpringerISBN 978-3-031-83427-1
Ukraine's Journey to Recovery, Reform and Post-War Reconstruction
Ukraine's Journey to Recovery, Reform and Post-War Reconstruction
A Blueprint for Security, Resilience and Development
Fachbuch2024SpringerISBN 978-3-031-66433-5
Berenguer López / Castien Maestro
Misunderstandings and Challenges
Fachbuch2024SpringerISBN 978-3-031-59407-6
25 Case Studies on the Global State of Defense AI
Fachbuch2024SpringerISBN 978-3-031-58648-4
Challenges and Perspectives in a Shifting Paradigm
Fachbuch2024SpringerISBN 978-3-031-58718-4

Military Struggles, NATO Challenges, and the Reimagining of Global Politics
eBook (PDF mit Wasserzeichen)2025Springer International PublishingISBN 978-3-031-83428-8
Berenguer López / Castien Maestro
Misunderstandings and Challenges
eBook (PDF mit Wasserzeichen)2024Springer International PublishingISBN 978-3-031-59408-3
Challenges and Perspectives in a Shifting Paradigm
eBook (PDF mit Wasserzeichen)2024Springer International PublishingISBN 978-3-031-58719-1