Computational Music Science

21 Treffer
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An Application to Topological Musical Data Analysis

ca. 160,49 €

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Toward a Transformational Perspective

181,89 €

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A Graphical-Statistical Analysis of Book 3 of the Piano Etudes

90,94 €

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69,54 €

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128,39 €

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Toward a Transformational Perspective

181,89 €

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Toward a Transformational Perspective

181,89 €

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A Graphical-Statistical Analysis of Book 3 of the Piano Etudes

90,94 €

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117,69 €

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Patterns and Transformations

96,29 €

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Geometric Logic, Classification, Harmony, Counterpoint, Motives, Rhythm

139,09 €

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Theory, Software, and Case Studies

117,69 €

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Musical Multiverse Ontologies

160,49 €

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90,94 €

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The Complete Ontology: Realities, Semiotics, Communication, and Embodiment

53,49 €

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A First Introduction to Mathematics for Music Theorists

69,54 €

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Discrete Fourier Transform in Music Theory

53,49 €

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An Introduction

85,59 €

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