Christianity and Renewal - Interdisciplinary Studies

27 Treffer
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Volume 1: Methods

160,49 €

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Volume 2: Themes

160,49 €

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Engaged Christianity and Transformed Society in Europe

160,49 €

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Oneness Pentecostalism and the Renewal of Jewish and Christian Monotheism

149,79 €

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106,99 €

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Volume 1: Methods

160,49 €

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Volume 2: Themes

149,79 €

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Engaged Christianity and Transformed Society in Europe

149,79 €

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Oneness Pentecostalism and the Renewal of Jewish and Christian Monotheism

139,09 €

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Migrations, Missions, and Mobility

96,29 €

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History, Current Practices, and Future Prospects

128,39 €

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Clashes, Concord, and Cacophony

128,39 €

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'Your Body is a Temple of the Holy Spirit'

149,79 €

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The Life and Leadership of Lewi Pethrus

96,29 €

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117,69 €

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96,29 €

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Multidisciplinary Perspectives

149,79 €

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Religious Mobility and Religious Repertoires in Urban Kenya

106,99 €

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