Chinese Literature and Culture in the World

18 Treffer
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128,39 €

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117,69 €

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117,69 €

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Transcultural and Translingual Encounters

106,99 €

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117,69 €

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Unofficial Entertainment Fiction from 1970s China

69,54 €

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Appropriation and Intertextuality

85,59 €

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Globalization and Its Chinese Discontents

69,54 €

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Practices of Environing at the Margins

106,99 €

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Music, Politics, and Cultural Continuities

96,29 €

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The Early Period

53,49 €

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New Theatres in the Twenty-First Century

106,99 €

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The Narration of the Nation in Popular Literatures, Film, and Television

53,49 €

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