Nicholas of Methone, Reader of Proclus in Byzantium

Context and Legacy

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ca. 216,91 €

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Buch. Hardcover


In englischer Sprache

Brill. ISBN 9789004512894


This volume is the first complete study of the 12th-century CE Byzantine philosopher Nicholas of Methone, offering a critical examination of a key moment in 11th–12th-century Byzantine philosophy. Although traditionally regarded as a polemical commentator on the late Neoplatonist Proclus, this study highlights Nicholas' substantial contribution to metaphysics and philosophical theology. It also situates his work within the broader intellectual context where Neoplatonism and its relation to Byzantine Christian theology were actively debated. This work is of particular significance for those interested in the Byzantine afterlife of late antique Neoplatonism and its legacy in the later Byzantine tradition and the Renaissance.

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