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Innovation promises dynamism and technical progress, new products and new markets. However, it also entails new conflicts and challenges for the law: on the one hand, the law should promote and protect innovation. Constant change gives rise to the law’s responsibility to continuously develop itself further in order to create an innovation-friendly climate and to promote future technologies. On the other hand, technical innovations and new business models can also pose risks to interests that are worthy of protection. Here, too, the law must react if it is to drive innovation sustainably.
This volume documents the manifold presentations at the 4th conference GRUR Junge Wissenschaft – Kolloquium zum Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz, Urheber- und Medienrecht (GRUR Young Science—Colloquium on Intellectual Property, Copyright and Media Law), where young academics addressed issues relating to the conference topic of ‘Law as an Infrastructure for Innovation’ from a variety of perspectives.
With contributions by
Dr. Lukas Abegg, LL.M.; Dr. Amit Datta; Dr. Stefan Holzweber; MMag. Philipp Homar; Johannes Marosi; Stefan Papastefanou; Dr. Lars Rühlicke; Thomas Sagstetter; Kirsten Johanna Schmidt, MLaw, LL.M. (Boston); Dr. Moritz Schroeder; Friederike Schulte zu Sundern; Michael Servatius; Sven Vetter; Kristina Wagner, LL.M.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
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76530 Baden-Baden, Deutschland