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What are the secrets of lobbying in China? How do companies influence technology standards in the building energy efficiency industry? More than 250 qualitative interviews with representatives of the industry, academia and the party state were conducted in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou between 2013 and 2015. As a result, the author has analysed business lobbying in four distinctive and exciting case studies and designed a research model to reliably measure lobbying influence and success by assessing the usefulness of lobbying targets, strategies and resources that were chosen by the industry. Therefore, this book closes an important gap in research into lobbying by focusing on influence rather than only on participation. It shows the ingredients for business lobbying but also the key determinants in assessing lobbying success. Some of the study’s findings allow conclusions about the influence of business lobbying in similar knowledge-intensive sectors and about the decision-making processes of the Chinese party state.
Susann Lüdtke focuses on corporate lobbying in China and deals with the influence of industry on standardisation activities in China’s building energy efficiency industry.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
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