Lorenzen / Specht

Productive Ageing

On the Art of Staying Active and Alive

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23,99 €

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eBook. PDF



142 S.

In englischer Sprache

Mabuse-Verlag. ISBN 978-3-86321-591-0

Das Werk ist Teil der Reihe: Mabuse Wissenschaft


For many people, growing old is an unpleasant experience. It is a time of restriction, deprivation and of loss. You retire from work, lose your loved ones and have to cope with illness. It is an art to remain productive, to ensure that life remains meaningful, and to stay active and alive. This social psychological study shows how people of old age manage this within their various lifestyles, whether they live in senior citizens homes, in assisted-living projects, in their own apartments, alone or together with others.

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