Hoeft / Messinger-Zimmer / Zilles

Bürgerproteste in Zeiten der Energiewende

Lokale Konflikte um Windkraft, Stromtrassen und Fracking

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eBook. PDF



284 S.

transcript. ISBN 978-3-8394-3815-2


Even though there is supposed to be social consensus concerning the energy transition: Whenever it comes to its concrete realization, resistance starts to grow - more and more frequently, massive protests accompany the required construction projects. This study analyzes such conflicts with a focus on the question how the parties concerned - i.e. corporations, politics, administrative bodies and the protesters - mutually perceive each other and what strategies they use to pursue their goals. Furthermore it evaluates the perspective of the population that is concerned without being actively involved and the way it views the warring factions. This research approach allows for a comprehensive picture of the contested realization of energy transition that also takes the consequences these conflicts cause for democracy into consideration.

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