Hild / de Byl / Grcevic

Quo Vadis, Theology?

Theology in the Context of the Public Sphere

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ca. 49,00 €

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Buch. Softcover


250 S.

In englischer Sprache

Kohlhammer. ISBN 978-3-17-045730-0


Quo vadis, theology? This was the question addressed at an international conference on which this volume is based. Various perspectives were added to the guiding intention of thinking theology in the public sphere: the contributions range from church-historical contexts to systematic-theological horizons and practical-theological challenges. These perspectives gain an additional decisive profile through the transnational expansion of the authors. On this basis, the volume attempts to provide further impulses in the context of the "Quo Vadis?" posed at the beginning and to reflect on theology from the perspectives just mentioned, which are intertwined with the public sphere.

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