Leseproben und andere Materialien
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The contributions in this volume examine the policies and ideologies of the political parties “Alternative für Deutschland” and “Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs” against the backdrop of the debate on asylum, refugees and Islam in the countries in which National Socialism rose to power in the 1930s. These works do not only highlight both parties’ positions on anti-Semitism, Israel and Muslim immigration, but also discuss their stance on National Socialism. They broach the subjects of the AFD and FPÖ’s racist and aggressively nationalistic attitudes, their views on gender roles and visions for society, the role of student fraternities and developments in individual state associations. They also consider terms such as “Rechtspopulismus” (right-wing populism) and “Rechstextremismus” (right-wing extremism) against the backdrop of Germany and Austria’s experiences with National Socialism and analyse how anti-Semitism and right-wing extremism can be combated in times when Islamist movements are gaining strength.
With contributions by:
Julius H. Schoeps, Stephan Grigat, Samuel Salzborn, Marc Grimm und Bodo Kahmann, Juliane Lang, Christoph Kopke und Alexander Lorenz, Heribert Schiedel, Bernhard Weidinger, Karin Stögner, Gerhard Scheit und Franziska Krah.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Waldseestr. 3-5
76530 Baden-Baden, Deutschland