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The volume investigates the relationship between the economy and political behavior as well as attitudes in the light of the economic crisis from different perspectives. The main result indicates that the saying „It’s the economy, stupid!“ has to be refined: there is NO TYPICAL economic voter. Rather, one needs to take into account different combinations of types of voters, economic as well as contextual factors. With regard to political parties and politicians, relevant differences regarding the economy and the related political measures lead to significant variations regarding electoral competition. Especially in the context of the economic crisis, the consequences for both the satisfaction with democracy and social cleavages have to be taken into account. All in all, the different chapters criticize as well as refine the current theory of economic voting.
With contributions by: Tarik Abou-Chadi, Simon Bauer, Daniela Braun, Thorsten Faas, Heiko Giebler, Sascha Huber, Jürgen Maier, Nicolas Merz, Agatha Rudnik, Carmen Schmidt, Sebastian Schneider, Harald Schoen, Thomas Schübel, Alexander Staudt, Markus Steinbrecher, Nils Steiner, Markus Tausendpfund, Markus Tepe, Aiko Wagner
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Waldseestr. 3-5
76530 Baden-Baden, Deutschland